27 July 2024
1300 794 893


Can’t buy a house? Wait! Prices do fall!

Don’t sign up for too big a mortgage because historically prices don’t always rise!

Should I buy a property and negative gear it so I can reduce my tax?

When it works well, negative gearing can be good. Ben Johnston explains when and how negative gearing works, so you can decide whether or not it’s right for you

Honey, I’ve shrunk the family home!

If Labor accepts Frydenberg’s budget, older Aussies can sell their home, put a chunk of the proceeds into tax free superannuation and free up bigger homes for younger Australians.

Will your home loan rate go up soon?

The Reserve Bank Governor might be telling us that he won’t raise interest rates until 2024, but what about the banks?

Why property investment is #1 in more ways than one

Here are two key reasons why you should consider making a property the foundation of your personal asset portfolio.

Is the house price bubble about to be pricked?

What is driving the housing market boom, and could Australia follow New Zealand's lead by introducing measures to dampen property prices?

Crazy little thing called property: will prices surge 17% this year?

This thing called property, it swings, it jives. And while like all Aussies I ‘kinda’ like it, this madness just can’t last. When it comes to buying any asset, you’ve got to be cool, relax…

House price killer lurking. Kiwis show the way

Across the ditch, the Kiwis are wanting to kill their house price boom. Is this a blueprint for what will happen here? Is time on our side?

Our $8 trillion property market is on the rise

Are you looking to invest in property? Be aware of these latest property market trends.

Keep your eyes wide open if you’re fixing loans & taking cashback offers

Right now, banks are going crazy advertising fantastically low interest rates on home loans. But borrower beware, there are traps.

What’s driving this surge in Aussie home prices?

Capital city and regional house prices are on the up. Will this booming property price trend continue?

Has Dan’s disaster created a property bargain basement in Melbourne?

I was ‘Danned’ last week by Premier Dan Andrews’ 5-day Victorian lockdown and during that time I reflected on the implications of Victoria’s struggles with quarantining and the Coronavirus.

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