
Will some super ‘sneaks’ use the Coronavirus to buy a house?

Nearly half a million Australians have lined up to dip into their super to cope with loss of income from the Coronavirus. But some might use super for other reasons.

Are property prices set to collapse?

Shares, commercial property, residential property and other investment assets are all correlated, and you don’t get a collapse in one market without that impact being felt in the others.

Home loan arrears - should we be worried?

Simon Bligh from Illion, Charles Tarbey of Century 21 and Paul Myliotis and Paul Miron from MSquared Join Peter Switzer for this week's episode of Switzer TV: Property.

Might as well face it we’re addicted to… property

Our hearts beat in double time, another bid and you'll be mine! Aussies have returned to their addiction, with record auction clearance rates. Is our obsession with bricks and mortar good for us?

Why we want walkability

Why is walkability fast becoming a must-have feature of Australian homes? And which cities are considered the most walkable?

What’s ahead for the property market in 2020?

Here are clues on how the industrial and commercial property sectors should fare next year.

Why Canberra is Australia’s most liveable city

While Melbourne may be the first Australian city that comes to mind when it comes to liveability, John McGrath explains that locals actually rank the national capital as the best.

The house of the future

Shrinking families and an ageing population are changing Australian homes.

2020 ushers in a new moderate growth cycle

As we enter a new moderate growth cycle in Australian property, led by Sydney, here are 8 key things to know about the market in 2020.

Will property come roaring back in 2020?

I’ve been having some interesting discussions with property investors lately and the subject has centred around property and growth. What will 2020 bring?

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