27 July 2024
1300 794 893


Peter Switzer

74% of Aussies want a wealth tax!

The case against billionaires is building and there’s a movement to slug them harder with a special tax.
Paul Rickard

Westpac delivers – but has it rallied too far?

Since the start of October, Westpac had rallied almost 17% making it the best performing major bank over this period. So on the basis of the old axiom “buy the rumour, sell the fact”, it was no surprise to see it fall today by around 3% when it delivered an “as expected” full year financial result.
Dr Ross Walker

Aspirin and Paracetamol – Surely these “age old” painkillers are harmless?

With the increasing sophistication of clinical trials, the medical world and the better educated general public with easy access to Dr Google is becoming more aware of the potential complications and long-term side effects of chronic pharmaceutical therapy.
Malcolm Mackerras

June 27 and July 13 gave Trump the 2024 election.

Mark my words: the second Trump aberration will be just as bad for America as the first.
Maureen Jordan

An expert guide to staycationing in Perth and Fremantle

Skip the jet lag, and experience the beauty our western shores have to offer.
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