27 July 2024
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Malcolm Mackerras

19 July 2024
June 27 and July 13 gave Trump the 2024 election.

Mark my words: the second Trump aberration will be just as bad for America as the first.

8 July 2024
Payman should go Green and Thorpe will go

After three senators have dumped their parties to go independent, we now have five independents, which is a lot of power. But Malcolm Mackerras thinks it’s unlikely these political players will stand the test of time.

27 June 2024
BRICS elections give good news

When I say that these election results gave good news, I should declare the parties of which I am a ‘putative’ member.

4 June 2024
The British House of Commons is too big

Having already made a few predictions last year about the British general election, now we have a date for it, I’d like to make some supplementary predictions. And there’s another aspect of this election that interests me: the size of the House of Commons, given the size of the country.

21 May 2024
The office of Australia’s Governor-General

The point of my article today is to discuss the office of Governor-General, not the merits of the people who have held it and to ask the question Is the Governor-General the Australian head of state?

6 May 2024
Lessons to learn from Dunstan & Cook

There are two lessons to learn from Dunstan and Cook. In my article I go through each of them.

10 April 2024
Did Tasmanian Liberal Party really win four general elections?

While I didn’t make any public prediction for this election, but in private conversation and private emails I did make a forecast…

28 March 2024
Queensland Libs do well – disaster elsewhere

The Albanese government will enjoy a second general election win in May next year. Dutton can afford to lose this election, but he can’t afford to lose again in May 2028. And here’s why I say this.

12 February 2024
Labor will win Dunkley

I’ll be proved right on my call that Labor will win this Federal seat.

23 January 2024
Trump will not get a second term

Here is my reasoned thinking for why Donald Trump will not be President of the United States for a second time.

12 December 2023
My Australian predictions for 2024

I promised I’d make my predictions for Australia before this year closes. So, here goes, beginning with federal elections.

30 November 2023
New Zealand has a new government – at last!

Now is a good time for me to analyse the NZ election.

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