Malcolm Mackerras

6 May 2024
Lessons to learn from Dunstan & Cook

There are two lessons to learn from Dunstan and Cook. In my article I go through each of them.

10 April 2024
Did Tasmanian Liberal Party really win four general elections?

While I didn’t make any public prediction for this election, but in private conversation and private emails I did make a forecast…

28 March 2024
Queensland Libs do well – disaster elsewhere

The Albanese government will enjoy a second general election win in May next year. Dutton can afford to lose this election, but he can’t afford to lose again in May 2028. And here’s why I say this.

12 February 2024
Labor will win Dunkley

I’ll be proved right on my call that Labor will win this Federal seat.

23 January 2024
Trump will not get a second term

Here is my reasoned thinking for why Donald Trump will not be President of the United States for a second time.

12 December 2023
My Australian predictions for 2024

I promised I’d make my predictions for Australia before this year closes. So, here goes, beginning with federal elections.

30 November 2023
New Zealand has a new government – at last!

Now is a good time for me to analyse the NZ election.

8 November 2023
Nation-wide the Voice received fourth highest affirmative vote

What lessons should we take from past referendums? Should the current PM make this vow to himself: “There will never be another referendum while Anthony Albanese is Prime Minister.”?

4 November 2023
Come October 2024 Sir Keir Starmer will be the British Prime Minister

I’ve decided to make my British predictions first and leave those for Australia and the USA to the end of the year because all the British evidence is now in, so why delay?

19 October 2023
Has Voice referendum proved we’re more Anglo than the Poms?

Comparing the countries of the Anglosphere, the Voice referendum says something about our Anglophile ways and wokeness.

9 October 2023
The Voice referendum: PM take note and Dutton, you have some explaining to do

Here’s my advice to Anthony Albanese about referendums and also an important question that should be put to Peter Dutton, who needs to be asked to tell the truth.

22 September 2023
The 1967 & 1999 referendums are generally mis-described

Don’t fall for the propaganda that May 1967 was of great national rejoicing by a unified nation that had suddenly become progressive. Before polling day, I’ll write on the 1999 referendum that has been also mis-described and give some friendly advice to Anthony Albanese.

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