27 July 2024
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The Check Up

The truth about COVID vaccines | The Check Up

Dr Ross tells us the facts about COVID vaccines that we need to know!

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The truth about COVID vaccines | The Check Up

Dr Ross tells us the facts about COVID vaccines that we need to know!

Fibre; What exactly is it and why is it so important? | The Check Up

Fibre comes in two parts. Soluble fibre and insoluble fibre. In today's episode, Dr Ross tells us why fibre is so important.

Is mobile phone use associated with an increased risk for brain cancer? | The Check Up

There have always been rumours on whether mobile phones are really linked with an increased risk for brain cancer. In this week's episode, Dr Ross looks at certain studies to assess this claim.

A promising male contraception pill with zero effects on hormones?! | The Check Up

Currently, the only form of male contraception is a condom and a vasectomy. However, through certain studies and research conducted with mice, we may soon see a contraception pill for males with no hormonal effects.

What is immunotherapy and how does it fight cancer? | The Check Up

Dr Ross explains whether immunotherapy could be the new approach that could lead to an effective treatment for various types of cancer.

Can a high dose of vitamin E really cause death? | The Check Up

Dr Ross has a look at whether a high dose of vitamin E can actually lead to death, as some studies show.

Dementia and the many forms it comes in | The Check Up

In blanket terms, dementia is the chronic loss of functional nerve cells in the central nervous system. But just how many different variations are there?

The best cancer tip I can give you | The Check Up

So, what is the best cancer tip I could ever give? To use the organ as it's intended!

What is inflammation and how exactly is it caused? | The Check Up

Dr Ross breaks down the process of inflammation, explaining how exactly it is caused and why.

What is the immune system and what exactly does it do? | The Check Up

In this week's episode, Dr Ross tells us what exactly the immune system is and how it works.

Why it's important to have a healthy immune system | The Check Up

Dr Ross discusses the importance on having a healthy immune system, especially if you contract COVID-19.

Why taking Vitamin D is so beneficial for our bodies | The Check Up

Dr Ross discusses how beneficial taking two capsules of Vitamin D a day is, with studies showing a 22% reduction in common autoimmune diseases.

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