27 July 2024
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The Check Up

The truth about COVID vaccines | The Check Up

Dr Ross tells us the facts about COVID vaccines that we need to know!

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Are e-cigarettes really safer than cigarettes? | The Check Up

Dr Ross has a look at whether e-cigarettes are really safer than cigarettes, and if so, just by how much?

Doing these simple 3 things may reduce your risk for cancer by 61%! | The Check Up

Dr Ross tells us three simple things to do at home that can possibly reduce your risk for cancer by 61%!

Is having A2 milk instead of A1 milk, better for our bodies? - The Check Up

Dr Ross looks at the possible advantages and disadvantages between having A1 and A2 milk.

Do dairy products really increase cancer risk? | The Check Up

Recently a medical item came out with the headline, 'Dairy products increase cancer risk'. Dr Ross analyses this study and gives his insight on the topic.

The best way to combat COVID is to keep your immune system healthy - Here's how! | The Check Up

Dr Ross discusses 5 things the healthiest people on the planet do, which is essential in reducing and helping battle the detrimental effects of COVID on our bodies.

What is a cytokine storm and how is it connected to COVID19? | The Check Up

Dr Ross explains how a cytokine storm is caused due to COVID19 and looks at a possible monoclonal antibody that can help improve symptoms.

What are the lasting symptoms that come with long COVID? | The Check Up

Dr Ross explores the three cardinal symptoms of long Covid - fatigue, brain fog and shortness of breath.

Two effective antivirals for long COVID | The Check Up

Dr Ross discusses two effective antivirals for Long COVID that has a 90% reduction in hospitalisation and covid related deaths.

What is the true pandemic of the 21st century? | The Check Up

The combination of Type 2 diabetes and obesity is the most concerning medical issue on the planet.

A new, better treatment for high blood pressure | The Check Up

Dr Ross explores a new treatment for high blood pressure, a quad pill that contains four low dosages of a blood pressure pill in one.

Walking 10,000 steps a day, do we really need to? | The Check Up

Dr Ross cracks down on whether our bodies really need 10,000 steps a day. Is it fact or just a myth?

Why Coffee is so beneficial for our bodies | The Check Up

Several studies conducted show that having a couple of cups of coffee a day, can lower the rates of certain diseases and illnesses.

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