Philip Ryan

As co-founder and Managing Director of Trilogy, Philip has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, across financial planning and funds management. He is a key instigator of Trilogy’s products, including the Trilogy Monthly Income Trust, as well as the Trilogy Enhanced Income Fund, the Wholesale Income Fund and various property trusts. Philip is passionate about creating financial products within the mortgage and property sectors that generate attractive income returns, as well as assisting younger generations to achieve their financial goals.

30 June 2022
What is a mortgage trust?

If you’re seeking an income-focused, property-based investment option to add to your portfolio, a mortgage trust may be an option for you. 

4 August 2021
How to capitalise on the industrial property boom

There’s a perfect storm of soaring demand for industrial property across Australia right now, and according to property experts, it’s not showing any signs of slowing soon.

17 March 2021
Our $8 trillion property market is on the rise

Are you looking to invest in property? Be aware of these latest property market trends.

17 December 2020
Fixed income terminology 101

Confused by the words of the fixed income world? Here are the most commonly used expressions you should know.

2 December 2020
How fiscal policy & monetary policy impact the fixed interest asset class

It’s important to understand monetary and fiscal policy, and their effects on the fixed interest asset class that can have a significant impact on an investment portfolio.

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