27 July 2024
1300 794 893


Could China and Aussie trade unions crush our economic recovery?

Just when we need fraternity and stability the most, China and our trade unions could betray team Australia’s recovery.

ScoMo, say sorry, and renovate this Home Builder Scheme

After looking at ScoMo’s Home Builder Scheme, it’s time for a quick apology from the PM and a “take 2” on the idea.

The accidental JobKeeper cock up

How bad is this cock up and who is the ‘cock-upper’?

You can’t trust these job numbers, thank God!

If it wasn’t for JobKeeper, the unemployment number would have been a lot worse. The Government will need to be judicious about when they call it off.

All we have to fear are politicians themselves!

Just as the world economy and stock markets have a chance of beating the Coronavirus, dumb politicians are doing what politicians do - screwing everything up!

A Bigger Picture: My review of Malcolm Turnbull’s autobiography

In my opinion ‘A Bigger Picture’ is the best of the post-prime ministerial autobiographies, but that doesn’t mean its criticisms are unjust.

If Trump gets his way, there will be blood!

How and when do we get even with China over the Coronavirus? That’s the economic question that needs to be rationalised.

Government JobKeeper backdown shows leadership at an all-time high

Overnight the Federal Government acknowledged a weakness in its JobKeeper programme and had the character to fix it asap. This is leadership!

Will some super ‘sneaks’ use the Coronavirus to buy a house?

Nearly half a million Australians have lined up to dip into their super to cope with loss of income from the Coronavirus. But some might use super for other reasons.

Who’ll pay this $300 billion Coronavirus debt? Bill Shorten knows you don’t mess with older Aussies!

The Coronavirus could soon spark a taxing ageist national debate over who should pay for the Government’s rescue plan.

Biden will defeat Trump

Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus has further divided America. Joe Biden will enjoy a landslide victory in the electoral college and probably in the popular vote as well.

Is the PM pivoting to parole us early from this Coronavirus prison?

Could we be heading back to work sooner than we think?

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