27 July 2024
1300 794 893


Home alone: when will it stop?

There’s global ‘talk’ about release dates happening. When normal life returns, will stocks roar back?

How the West was Won

My plan to reform the Legislative Council voting system didn’t work. Here’s my Plan B, which I hope will change things in Western Australia.

Morrison’s stimulus is of Crocodile Dundee proportions!

As good Coronavirus news unfolds, the Morrison Government has done a Crocodile Dundee by looking at the size of its former stimulus packages and effectively saying: “That's not a knife… THAT's a knife.”

ScoMo and Josh take on COVID-19

Will the scariness of our uncertain futures be offset by the $189 billion that the PM and the Treasurer are throwing at the problem?

Trump won’t have a second term but ScoMo will

Here are the reasons why I predict Donald won’t have a second term and why ScoMo will.

All I want is the truth, just give me some truth

I'm sick and tired of hearing things from scare mongering media types who focus on toilet paper and other shitty stories. I've had enough of reading things by neurotic psychotic pigheaded politicians who need to concentrate on leading us through this epidemic, infodemic and panic-demic. John Lennon, where are you? Give sanity a chance.

World governments are muscling up but can they nuke this virus?

The US share market is up 1,000 points, but have we got the right market medicine to KO the economic effects of the Coronavirus?

Can Frydenberg spend Arnie-style?

Can Josh terminate these corona virus market woes so we don’t end up with an economic raw deal? He needs to be armed with a bazooka not a pop gun!

Here’s a spoonful of optimism, Peter

Over the weekend I received a ‘perk me up’ text from someone who thought I might be getting a tad too negative — the Treasurer!

Can an Australian Aboriginal ever be an ‘alien’?

Did the judges in the majority in Love and Thoms do a disservice to the legitimate aspirations of indigenous Australians?

Mr Nice Guy RBA boss must stick it to Government!

The RBA Governor wants the ScoMo Government to spend so we can prosper but Government Ministers are saying they’re tired of being lectured to!

Travelling West

I’m off to Perth in the second week of February visiting the Parliament of Western Australia in its first week of sitting. And here’s why I’m travelling west.

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