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Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on switzer.com.au

18 April 2020
Should you trust Coronavirus experts or the stock market?

If Coronavirus news is scaring you like the movie ‘The Exorcist’, maybe you should change the source of your news.

17 April 2020
JobKeeper: do you REALLY understand what you’ll get?

Yesterday I went up close & personal with Josh Frydenberg on really important JobKeeper, tax and superannuation hip pocket issues.

16 April 2020
The Tom Petty factor: the waiting is the hardest part

Don't it feel like something from a dream? Yeah, I've never known nothing quite like this. No one coulda ever told me 'bout this. Every day you get one more yard but the waiting is the hardest part.

15 April 2020
Is the stock market sucking us in? Will it crash again?

History says bear markets have two big legs down? Could this be an exception to the rule?

14 April 2020
How close are we to getting back to normal?

At times like this, I look for smart people to give me a better understanding of what might happen rather than newsmakers who often focus on the news now rather than the potential news ahead.

11 April 2020
They shoot dinosaurs, don’t they?

Warren Buffett was accused of being past it and Gerry Harvey has often been accused of being a relic from a prehistoric past. But experience is a great teacher.

9 April 2020
Is the PM pivoting to parole us early from this Coronavirus prison?

Could we be heading back to work sooner than we think?

8 April 2020
Home alone: when will it stop?

There’s global ‘talk’ about release dates happening. When normal life returns, will stocks roar back?

7 April 2020
Stocks surge on the Dusty Springfield factor

Wall St is in a wishing and hoping mood as stocks surged over 7% overnight. But can an investor rely on “wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'”?

6 April 2020
If Coronavirus news is making you negative, well stop exposing yourself to it!

Worrying and being negative about the virus is relevant if you or a loved one is medically vulnerable. But if your challenge is the lifestyle imposition of all this, maybe you need to work on your attitude.

4 April 2020
Doomsday merchants are 24-carat gold dummies

Every dog has their day. And it’s dangerous to believe that the doomsday merchants look smart as coronavirus has taken down the stock market.

3 April 2020
Australia, we have a COVID-19 super problem

This Coronavirus has created a big problem for super funds. And it’s been made worse because we’re now more educated super savers.

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