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Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on switzer.com.au

16 May 2020
Kiyosaki and Dent say doom is coming. Does it pay to believe them?

I’ve spoken to a few pessimists in the property market this week, and it made me realise that yes, you can make money out of being negative. More importantly, it confirmed to me that you can make even more money from being positive!

15 May 2020
You can’t trust these job numbers, thank God!

If it wasn’t for JobKeeper, the unemployment number would have been a lot worse. The Government will need to be judicious about when they call it off.

14 May 2020
With bad and scary news everywhere, I'm spotlighting the positive!

Anyone who follows me won’t be surprised that I’m shining the light on the positive news that’s out there. Going to the dark side has absolutely no value.

13 May 2020
All we have to fear are politicians themselves!

Just as the world economy and stock markets have a chance of beating the Coronavirus, dumb politicians are doing what politicians do - screwing everything up!

12 May 2020
Breakin’ all the rules will smash the economy

Most Aussies understand that in sport we play by the rules. Why are the rules of engagement connected to social distancing so hard to keep?

11 May 2020
The Coronavirus rescue plan to cost one shot of coffee a week!

While the magnitude of the budget deficit blowout looks unmanageable, in reality it will cost nothing more than a cup of coffee a week.

9 May 2020
Did you know Warren Buffett and Anne Hathaway were in bed together?

When people tell me the stock market is “too hard” to understand, I like to share stories on just how simple the stock market can be. This is one of those stories.

8 May 2020
Any day now, any way now, we shall be released

We’ve all needed protection but I see the light come shining and I’m sure the PM will be telling us soon how and when we will be released.

7 May 2020
If Trump gets his way, there will be blood!

How and when do we get even with China over the Coronavirus? That’s the economic question that needs to be rationalised.

6 May 2020
Police needed for every move we make

Forgive my jump to the right but it’s only temporary. As we open up the economy, we need to keep the rules to get us out of this coronavirus horror show.

5 May 2020
My 15 stocks that could even get Warren Buffett’s big tick

When stock markets crash, it’s the buying opportunity of a lifetime for a long-term investor. After spending Sunday morning with Warren Buffett, here are the 15 stocks that are on my shopping list.

4 May 2020
Property crashers are misguided fools

People of the left have failed to learn the Bill Shorten lesson on May 18 last year: Australians are good-hearted capitalists. Are these doomsday mugs aware of the economic implications of their dreamy nightmare?

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