Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on

16 October 2020
Rate cut coming, economy growing but beware the negative media!

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never let the media into your life, so from my personal point of view, let’s Switzer Daily educate you!

15 October 2020
Is someone on $180,000 a year rich?

Our PM says ‘No’, they’re not. What do you think? Are you OK with the politics of envy?

14 October 2020
Warning: slower economic recovery in 2021. Really?

The IMF has downgraded world economic growth but my 30 years of experience makes me ask this question: what do they know?

13 October 2020
Believe it or not, property prices are set to rise!

Expert says property prices are on the rise. And two Nobel prize winners show you how to become an auction winner!

12 October 2020
That’s stingy! If you want us to hire, show us the money, Scott!

To many employers, the incentive to hire in the Budget looked too close to nothing! We need a bigger carrot.

10 October 2020
To all the Budgets I’ve loved before, here’s why I love them so!

Budget weeks are special to people like me, who are very different ‘beasts’ to the more normal Aussie.

9 October 2020
Albo, don’t be like Bill Shorten. Be more like Bob Hawke

Labor has come up with good vote-catching ideas but what’s it doing to attract those voters who think it’s largely anti-business, anti-individual and anti-success?

8 October 2020
Read all about it: Budget money up for grabs

Why are people so blind? Ignore the Budget and you could miss many opportunities.

7 October 2020
Frydenberg rides to the rescue with his Budget Bonanza

Showing true grit during the worst economic crisis we’ve faced in a century, the Treasurer is of the belief “have money, will spend”. Here’s what you’ll get.

6 October 2020
Standby! Santa Josh’s Budget will be stacked with gifts beyond belief

I’m calling this Budget the best gift-giving Budget ever! And banks could be the happiest receivers from the Treasurer’s stacked sack.

3 October 2020
We are women, hear us roar

My salute to two great Australian women who passed away this week.

2 October 2020
Frydenberg gives tax cuts to all to nuke this recession

With four more sleeps before the Treasurer’s most important fiscal show-and-tell reveals his plan to nuke this recession, here’s what’s been leaked so far. This is the nuking we had to have!

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