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Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on switzer.com.au

2 April 2020
How long will this coronavirus twilight zone last?

There’s a reasonable case to suggest that this crazy locked down life will be over quicker than you think.

1 April 2020
The hardest question of all: is the worst over yet?

The question I keep getting (and I’m getting a lot of those questions from the media) is: Are we past the worst of this market crash?

31 March 2020
JobKeeper Stimulus: What business owners need to know!

The Federal Government announced a new JobKeeper stimulus to keep Australian employers paying their workers. Here's everything you need to know as an employer.

31 March 2020
Morrison’s stimulus is of Crocodile Dundee proportions!

As good Coronavirus news unfolds, the Morrison Government has done a Crocodile Dundee by looking at the size of its former stimulus packages and effectively saying: “That's not a knife… THAT's a knife.”

30 March 2020
The good coronavirus news stories you have to read

While the tragedies of more virus victims dominate headlines, beneath the radar there are some good news stories that shouldn’t be ignored for health and wealth reasons.

28 March 2020
Will our current economic position turn into a depression?

Can the Depression dramatists ignore this 18% rebound on Wall Street?

27 March 2020
US stocks go up again. What the f...?

The Treasurer warned us these are extraordinary times that require extraordinary policies. And these have led to an extraordinary stock market rebound!

26 March 2020
Stock market up, relationship with wife down

Like a lot of investors, my wife has been wondering when it’s the right time to buy badly beaten up quality stocks. She wanted in late last week. I advised her to hold her horses. And here’s why.

25 March 2020
US market up over 11%. Can you trust this rally?

There are 4 legs of the stool upon which the recovery will sit. Three are in place but the stool will keep rocking until the virus stats turn favourable.

24 March 2020
Stay calm, don’t panic, a recovery will eventually come

We’re hanging out with the countries doing OK with Coronavirus and while we all hate these imposed restrictions, they could be a plus that keeps us in the not-so-threatened group of countries.

24 March 2020
How you can help small businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak

Here are six ways you can help support small businesses affected by the coronavirus.

23 March 2020
ScoMo and Josh take on COVID-19

Will the scariness of our uncertain futures be offset by the $189 billion that the PM and the Treasurer are throwing at the problem?

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