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Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on switzer.com.au

21 March 2020
Is this a buying opportunity or the end of days?

Two of the world’s greatest investors believe this is the buying opportunity of a lifetime.

20 March 2020
A message to the ABC and all media: STOP scaring us and start spreading the right messages

HELP IS ON THE WAY to support our economy. Responsible broadcasters need to spread this message and stop inducing panic.

19 March 2020
Don’t panic – you’re not on the Titanic!

This is a temporary and excessive sell off of stocks and other assets. Keep all this in perspective. Markets are crazy but normality will return. Here’s why I firmly hold this view.

18 March 2020
Is it time to buy stocks?

Long lost friends are coming out of the woodwork to ask me is it time to buy stocks and so I will share with you what I’m telling them.

17 March 2020
History says: 'don't panic, wait this crash out'

Let's be clear on this: the market sell-offs have been extraordinary, but the best way to deal with crazy crashes is to wait for good sense to prevail. And it will!

16 March 2020
Stocks expected to rise today, but for how long?

We should sneak out of bear market territory today but the question has to be: can we stay there?

14 March 2020
I’m so freakin’ cheesed off

The media has continually bombarded us with everything scary and ruinous about the coronavirus, which has helped the stock market go excessively negative.

13 March 2020
Don’t panic about the stock market. Take Tom Hanks’ advice.

Does panic do anyone any good? It’s not the end of the world. These things shall pass.

12 March 2020
Pandemic panic rocks stocks again

Stocks slide on WHO’s global pandemic call, so it will be another tricky day on markets.

11 March 2020
Is the worst over? Is it time to buy quality stocks at bargain basement prices?

The most important questions for all of us are: is the worst over? Is there a buying opportunity now or should we wait?

10 March 2020
Why did the stock market have a hissy fit?

Apart from knowing why markets are in free fall, we must understand just how serious this collapse in share prices is and how long it will last.

9 March 2020
Money making lessons from the Coronavirus correction

Shock events like this current virus rattle stock markets but investors shouldn’t be rattled. They should learn from the past and invest wisely.

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