27 July 2024
1300 794 893


How will the taxpayer ever stop paying for the pandemic rescue program?

The PM opened the AFR’s Business Summit yesterday and gave us a running showcase of how great his Government has been and will be if we re-elect him. But how will we repay our massive pandemic debt?

This is an economic war that could teach China a lesson!

We’re all now at war — an economic war — and there will be winners and casualties miles away from Ukraine and Russia, and lessons learned for any country contemplating doing a Putin.

SA election likely to be a “cliffhanger”

Today I revise my earlier predictions on the SA state election and find that it could potentially go down to the wire.

Vladimir Putin: What is he good for?

Surely the Russians have weighed up the value of the Ukraine invasion and what’s now been lost? Will they end up with absolutely nothing because of the sanctions?

Will there ever be a politician who’ll help first homebuyers?

Few young first homebuyers can get a foot on the property ladder. Who can help them and how?

Can stocks get over Vlad's war?

What does history say about the effect of a war on stock markets? You’ll be surprised!

Celebrating fifty years of the Mackerras Pendulum

My bestseller book released in 1972, 'Australian General Elections', has led me to be described as "Australia’s leading psephologist” since its release.

Oops! Politician utters the words inheritance tax

Surprise! Surprise! A Liberal MP has inferred that money handed down from parents to kids is lazy money that should be taxed! Read all about it…

Do our politicians take business seriously?

A business in the explosive growth sector of electric cars has left Australia and headed to the US where it says governments there are more supportive. How do we block this revenue and jobs drain?

My predictions for the upcoming NSW by-election

I formulate my predictions for the February NSW by-elections in the seats of Bega, Monaro, Strathfield and Willoughby.

BoJo will hang tough and lead Conservatives into 2023

Consistent with my style of political punditry I begin 2022 with a prediction about British politics. It is that Boris Johnson will hang tough and continue to lead his party throughout the whole of the year.

Could Josh Frydenberg save the PM’s bacon?

With the Government under pre-election pressure, the Treasurer is hurling tax insults at Labor to undermine its election chances.

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