Are angry Tweeters who hate me feeling better?

Twitter delivers short-term anger relief but there’s a simmering hate for the forces linked to the Coalition and anyone who dares to think that the Government has a good idea, policy or intended policy.

Why Kogan admires but bagged Gerry

Most of us trying to go from ordinary to extraordinary or from say ‘good to great’, need a hand from a coach or a mentor or, in the absence of these, a book or a website. Here are my views on why we need people who inspire us.

Success leaves clues but why doesn’t everyone look for them?

To create a successful business, country or career, you need to conduct a SWOT analysis on yourself, do some weeding and become a hero to the people you lead. As Zig Ziglar said, “You can’t do a good deal with a bad man.” So why don’t enough leaders realise this?

A Bigger Picture: My review of Malcolm Turnbull’s autobiography

In my opinion ‘A Bigger Picture’ is the best of the post-prime ministerial autobiographies, but that doesn’t mean its criticisms are unjust.

With the economy reopening, is this a buying opportunity of a lifetime?

On this week's Property show, Peter Switzer is joined by Margaret Lomas, Steven Bennett, Paul Myliotis and Paul Miron.

Super funds need to lift their game

The hundreds of thousands of applications that super funds received to access super early shows how out of touch the industry is in communicating the long-term benefits of superannuation.

Where there's a will, there's a way

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard are joined by Industry Super Australia chief economist Stephen Anthony, Per Capita executive director Emma Dawson, Msquared Capital MDs Paul Myliotis & Paul Miron, and Safewill CEO Adam Lubofsky.

The future of medicine

With the vast majority of medical news focusing on the coronavirus, much of which has been negative, I felt it important to give some good news and hope for the future.

Why I would ban energy drinks

Dr Ross Walker explains why he believes energy drinks should be banned and why you should limit your intake of soft drinks.

Doomsday merchants be aware, Chris Joye says property prices will not slump!

Along with Chris Joye, this week's property show includes interviews with Diana Mousina and Tony Mangioni.

NAB’s share purchase plan is a no brainer – let’s hope Directors make it fairer

NAB has joined the pool of ASX200 listed companies that has raised capital during COVID-19. Should shareholders take part in their SPP?

Switzer takes a jump to the left!

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard are joined by the author of 'Four Futures: Life After Capitalism', Peter Frase, plus La Trobe University's Geraldine Kennett, Skin Elements' Peter Malone, and Louise Kaye from London.

We checked the pulse of house price falls thanks to the Coronavirus

Joining Peter Switzer this week: Tim Lawless, Rich Harvey and Tommy Wu.

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