
Does taking fish oil do you any good?

Another study has been released about taking supplements. Where’s the truth?

All I want is the truth, just give me some truth

I'm sick and tired of hearing things from scare mongering media types who focus on toilet paper and other shitty stories. I've had enough of reading things by neurotic psychotic pigheaded politicians who need to concentrate on leading us through this epidemic, infodemic and panic-demic. John Lennon, where are you? Give sanity a chance.

A stroke of bad luck

There are 5 categories of stroke that need investigation and management.

Do you suffer from giddy giddy gout?

What is gout? Does it only afflict middle-aged men who libate too much?

5 ways to stay sharp as you age

Follow these 5 principles to not only improve how you live but also how you think and feel about how you live.

Is glucosamine a safe supplement?

Should arthritis sufferers stop taking glucosamine?

Why it’s important to wash your hands

Expose yourself to good bacteria but be careful: the coronavirus can persist on surfaces and remain infectious in some cases up to 9 days.

Good news around viruses

It’s a relief to hear some good news around viruses and a potential medical breakthrough, with the therapeutic use of a particular type of virus.

Should we use sunscreen?

Slip-Slop-Slap was the sun protection campaign in the 1980s. And it worked. Aussies started protecting themselves from the sun’s burning rays. But is sunscreen absorption into our bodies doing us harm?

Will we dodge a coronavirus and bushfire recession bullet?

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will be waiting with bated breath for the swag of economic data to be revealed this week. If it’s bad, he will have to spend, big time.

The truth about vitamin supplements

Dr Ross Walker explains why vitamins do more than just give you expensive pee.

Coronavirus: how worried should we be?

The virus arose from the Hubei seafood market in Wuhan, China, which also sells a variety of exotic animals such as snakes. But how worried should we be here?

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