27 July 2024
1300 794 893


Exercise: how much is enough?

Does more exercise per week improve your health and reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases? The results are interesting, to say the least.

Keeping healthy over the Christmas break

Rather than creating shaky new years' resolutions after an over-indulgent Christmas holiday, why don't we try and stop the habits before they can truly start?

Maintaining the RAGE

To keep diabetes at bay, we must maintain our RAGE.

Omicron: could this be the beginning of the end?

Early symptoms reported from the Omicron variant are showing positive for what this may mean for Covid-19 overall.

It's all in the Genes

Although external factors such as a healthy diet, sleep, exercise, and not gaining excessive weight play a major role in health and longevity, the driving influence has and always will be genetic predisposition.

Omicron: yet another Greek letter to deal with!

Just as the world was beginning to overcome the impacts of the Delta variant, a new coronavirus strain has reared its ugly head.

Putting depression into perspective

There’s been a stigma around depression with inferences that the depressed person can pull themselves out of it. Nothing is further from the truth.

Why has our safest bank, CBA, punted on bitcoin?

CBA is making it easier for its customers to buy, sell and store cryptocurrencies. Why is this so?

Is food really the best medicine?

Two and a half thousand years ago, Hippocrates recognised the vital importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Why is it so hard for many to see this now?

Go with your gut

Many researchers now call our gut the “second brain” but is gut health that important?

Brain ageing: do we have a choice?

Is forgetfulness and cognitive decline related to high blood pressure? Is hypertension a silent brain killer?

The forgotten dangers of over-the-counter pain relief pills

Most people have used Paracetamol since childhood but like all medicines, it has the potential to cause harm.

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