27 July 2024
1300 794 893


SOLD! Sydney Airport. To the super unions!

The industry super funds are now as big as banks but doing what banks never do: investing and owning Australian businesses.

Consumer expectations when transitioning to a cashless society

Technology in the form of digital payments and the ease it has brought to everyday life continues to empower Australians in their purchasing decisions.

Unemployment falls creating good, bad & questionable news!

This isn’t a simple story because there’s mixed news all wrapped up in this data on our economy.

Omicron crushes confidence but economy expected to rebound

Consumer confidence has slumped as Omicron has created a self-imposed or Clayton’s lockdown. And the reading for January hasn’t been as bad as this since the recession of 1991! But what’s the broader story?

Calls for JobSaver rescue payments in NSW could become a national issue

A survey by Business NSW found many businesses in trouble because of Omicron, with labour and product shortages undermining profitability. Are targeted payments for the worst-affected operations a solution?

Unions push for pay increases, really?

With many businesses in loss territory due to shutdowns, is the news that unions are pushing for pay increases the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

Omicron’s hurting business but will it cause a recession?

My view is that this current virus problem won’t be as serious and we’ll get through it.

Employee work-from-home demands escalate

There are good, bad and ugly consequences of working from home.

Here’s a twist: Please sir, we don’t want any more

Business pleads: “Don't shut us down again!” Let’s hope the PM and state premiers hear their cry.

Will Omicron ruin our Christmas cheer?

If the worst-case scenario happens with this viral variant and our Christmas cheer is ruined, putting us into restrictions and lockdowns again, then Scott Morrison and his team are really going to find it hard to win next year’s election.

Is $100,000 not enough to get some to work?

The hospitality sector can’t get employees for a six-figure sum. Are parents to blame? If not, who is?

Will my market and economic predictions survive Omicron?

Here’s my take on the economy and stock prices next year. Are they believable given the Omicron threat?

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