27 July 2024
1300 794 893


Business conditions strong in Australia and US, weaker in Europe and UK

How is the global economy coping with continued inflationary pressures?

Turning the Great Resignation into the Great Retention

What if instead of the Great Resignation, you could have the Great Retention?

Unions are backing workers wanting to work from home

A survey in the AFR today found 69% of employees wanted home work because they’re afraid of Covid-19, 60% wanted mental and physical health balance and 57% want to help family. What’s the good, bad and ugly of this?

Stop worrying about our economic future

While I could look crazy on short-term shocks to stocks, in the longer term I reckon I’ll be on the money. And who our PM is after May won’t change my view.

Is flying in foreign workers bad or good for the economy?

All around us we’re seeing good omens that the economy is getting back to normal and the need for foreign workers is a great positive indicator for the economy.

Dan Andrews' gift to casuals and contractors

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews wants casual and contract workers to have access to five days sick or carer's leave and is prepared to put up $245.6 million to test this out. Will employers see this as the thin edge of the wedge?

Economic numbers that matter: Australia and abroad

How is the Australian economy faring compared with the rest of the world this week?

Australian economy poised for growth while housing prices set to decline

Let's take a look at the current economic activity trackers across the globe.

A bonza economic growth number, but can it last?

Data out yesterday showed the Oz economy has grown the fastest since the first quarter of 1976 but my view is that “you ain’t seen nothing yet”.

Millennials and their career expectations

Career expectations and workplace environments are rapidly evolving, with Millennials paving the way for generations to come.

How can bad news on wages growth be good news?

Finding good news in bad news is what you can expect from yours truly so expect the expected in this article!

Woolworths delivers – but can it go higher?

The reaction by the market yesterday to Woolworths' profit result, which saw it add 48c to close at $35.68, was to be expected. It was a small ‘beat’ and certainly not as bad as some analysts had feared.

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