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Paul Rickard

Paul Rickard has more than 30 years’ experience in financial services and banking, including 20 years with the Commonwealth Bank Group in senior leadership roles. Paul was the founding Managing Director and CEO of CommSec, and was named Australian ‘Stockbroker of the Year’ in 2005. In 2011, Paul teamed up with Peter Switzer and Maureen Jordan to launch the Switzer Report, a newsletter and website for share market investors. A regular commentator in the media, investment advisor and company director, he is also a Non-Executive Director of Tyro Payments Ltd and PEXA Group Limited.

25 November 2021
Do interest rates really impact tech stocks?

Tech stocks are somewhat unique with interest rates; typically impacted more than other sectors by rising bond yields as their value primarily lies in the future.

18 November 2021
Can Xero bust through the $155 barrier?

I consider both technical and fundamental markers to determine whether accounting software company Xero is a good buy and can push past its infamous $155 barrier.

11 November 2021
Lithium & electric vehicle stocks: have you missed the boat?

Have you missed the boat with the lithium/EV megatrend? What stocks can you invest in?

4 November 2021
Westpac delivers a shocker

Westpac’s full year profit result on Monday was a shocker. But is it all bad news or are there rays of sunshine ahead?

28 October 2021
Will Prime Minister Anthony Albanese end the bull market in shares?

Electoral risk is emerging as the next big watch point for share market investors.

21 October 2021
How much of your portfolio should be invested in overseas shares?

ATO data shows that not enough Australians are exposed to overseas investments which could hamper long term growth.

14 October 2021
Is Magellan in the buy zone?

Here’s how I’m playing this Aussie success story, even though its shares have copped a beating.

7 October 2021
Will October be another scary month, or is it a buying opportunity?

October is “crash” month. Think back to the “Wall Street Crash” of October 1929, “Black Monday” of October 1987, the “Great Financial Crisis” that started in October 2007 or even the “mini-crashes” of 1989, 1997 and 2002.

30 September 2021
Woolworths buyback is a “no brainer” for some shareholders

Will you participate in the WOW buyback and if you do, what will you do with the money?

23 September 2021
There is a bidding frenzy for infrastructure – can you still get on board?

There is a bidding frenzy underway in Australia for listed infrastructure assets by big super, private equity and overseas pension funds.

16 September 2021
Is Qantas set to take off for investors - or have you missed the plane?

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce thinks we will be flying internationally by December. Will his plan come to fruition?

9 September 2021
Do you play energy through Woodside or Santos?

While energy has been the worst performing sector of 2021 so far, there are a number of reasons why you might consider investing in the energy majors.

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