27 July 2024
1300 794 893


Want to go overseas? Try these destinations!

Where can you go overseas when the Aussie dollar makes overseas holidays so much dearer?

Star casino slugged $100 million! Is it a buy?

This fine is big but better for shareholders than seeing the business lose its licence or forced to sell to private equity.

US inflation stays high and Qantas explains why

Our addiction to flying has helped Qantas profits and share price soar, helping to understand why inflation stays high.

Selling the rip, not buying the dip

Qantas gave investors a chance to take profits on Thursday

Get ready: stocks set to surge or dive

Despite a plethora of good news about our economy, there’s a truckload of experts who want to talk down 2023 and US data out tonight is crucial to determine which direction we head.

How much superannuation do I need when I retire?

How much money in super do I need to ensure I can support myself when I retire?

Should we be afraid of a recession here?

The world economy and the US are looking more likely to slip into recession so what about Australia?

Investment markets and key developments: Share markets had a bounce last week

Share markets had a bounce in the last week from very oversold levels and lots of negative investor sentiment after falling back to around their June lows.

Data drama for stocks continues tonight!

If the economic data remains stubbornly high, stocks will sink like a stone and we’ll be dancing in the dark waiting for better data to turn around sentiment and share prices.

Nabtrade investors selling into strength rather than buying the rally

A turnaround in sentiment was sparked by the RBA’s announcement of a 0.25% interest rate rise on Tuesday

Investment markets and key developments: Mayhem in the UK

The Bank of England’s intervention by buying bonds (i.e., restarting QE) has helped calm things. Unfortunately, the return to QE may just add to inflationary pressures if it has to be sustained for long.

RBA boss Lowe has a ‘Bud Fox’ moment ahead

Dr Phil Lowe has a Bud Fox moment ahead on Tuesday when he and his Board decide whether to slug us another 0.5% on our home loans.

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