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Switzer Daily

Catch up on all the content put together by the Switzer Daily team, including our daily news update 5 things you need to know today.

23 February 2023
Hey Albo & Jim, leave our super alone.

Could Albo be seen as a super Prime Monster? Are these leaked potential changes to our super the start of something super big that will affect our nest eggs?

20 February 2023
Why stocks could surge or slide this week

There are big data drops for stocks and this is how I’m playing it.

20 February 2023
Why stocks could surge or slide this week

There are big data drops for stocks and this is how I’m playing it.

17 February 2023
ATO to tax work-from-homers harder! And US inflation hitting stocks, again!

The ATO is back at it again!

17 February 2023
ATO to tax work-from-homers harder! And US inflation hitting stocks, again! | Article version

The ATO is back at it again!

16 February 2023
Rates to rise and Dr Phil wont resign!

And US rates will rise on strong retail numbers overnight.

16 February 2023
Rates to rise and Dr Phil wont resign!

And US rates will rise on strong retail numbers overnight.

15 February 2023
Accountant Fraudster takes wealthy for a $60M ride!

And US inflation came in higher than expected but the Nasdaq rose!

14 February 2023
Why RBA boss Dr Phil will cop it in Canberra this week!

And the big US number that could help or hurt stocks.

9 February 2023
John Symond predicts rate cuts and house price rises

In the Daily Mail Aussie Home Loan founder rubs his money crystal ball and bags the RBA boss.

8 February 2023
Is Dr Phil pushing us into recession?

9 interest rate rises have economists worried that a recession could be waiting to happen!

7 February 2023
Will Dr Phil hike interest rates by a big half-a-percent?

There are 2 days of central bank utterances that could hit or help stock prices.

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