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Switzer Daily

Catch up on all the content put together by the Switzer Daily team, including our daily news update 5 things you need to know today.

6 February 2023
Will the RBA double down on a big interest rate rise?

Both the RBA and the US Fed have interest rate worries but will it worry Wall Street and our stock market?

3 February 2023
China coal ban dropped and tech stocks soar! Yahoo for our super!

China suddenly drops it coal ban and tech stocks soar!

2 February 2023
Fed has made it safe to buy stocks for 2023 but what about the RBA?

The Fed has finally made it safe to buy stocks for 2023 but when will the RBA?

1 February 2023
Huge drop in retail spending and two more reasons to buy stocks for 2023!

Why has retail spending dropped so much and here are two more reasons why I think buying stocks in 2023 will be a great opportunity!

31 January 2023
4 More rate rises?! Really?

Could we seriously be getting 4 more rate rises??

30 January 2023
Chinese students banned good for our economy and will the Fed help or hurt stocks this week?

Could Beijing's new online study ban be good for our economy and will the fed help or hurt stocks this week?

27 January 2023
Could there be 3 rate rises ahead? What happens to stocks?

Could there be more rate rises up ahead and is 2023 a good year for stocks?

25 January 2023
Can politicians kill inflation and help stop interest rate rises?

Can politicians actually kill inflation and help stop interest rate rises or are these just more empty promises?

24 January 2023
Inflation Falling, Stocks are Rising

Can the good news keep coming? Is this good news for interest rates?

20 January 2023
We’re becoming a sickie nation and is the stock market getting really sick?

Are we becoming a sickie nation and is the stock market getting really sick?

19 January 2023
Our Top Brands Make Great Investments But Beware This Lesson!

Our top brands are great investments, but looking at their past growth could teach you a valuable lesson...

18 January 2023
China’s Population has De-popped!

With China's plummeting birthrates will India take the crown of biggest population by the end of the year?

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