Dr Ross Walker

Dr Walker has a medical practice in Lindfield on the upper north shore of Sydney. He provides a service in all aspects of echocardiography, focusing on stress echocardiography which is a well accepted, accurate method for assessing heart disease, not involving irradiation or injections.

His other area of expertise is in the field of preventative cardiology and he has also commenced a related service in arterial screening, which is an indirect measure of endothelial function and arterial stiffness, and does not involve irradiation or injections. Dr Walker has published 7 best selling books on preventative cardiology and lectures both nationally and internationally on this subject.

20 April 2022
Covid 19 vaccinations and the anti-vaxxer brigade

While it is important to acknowledge the rare risks associated with RNA vaccines, the key point is that Covid is the problem, not vaccination.

12 April 2022
Electromagnetic therapies: The future is already here

In my article today, I highlight a few recent studies demonstrating the benefits of electromagnetic therapies.

5 April 2022
How important is the Gut-Brain connection?

The gut microbiome has been shown in multiple studies to have a profound effect on many aspects of health and disease.

29 March 2022
The hidden dangers of plastic contamination

I defy you to find much in your refrigerator that is packaged in glass. The commonest container these days is, no doubt, plastic-based.

22 March 2022
Stress – Is it really an important factor in disease?

Recent deaths of prominent figures have raised the importance of stress as a precipitant for not only major illnesses but also premature death.

14 March 2022
The commonest cause of death in women: Cardiovascular disease

For too long there has been a false notion that heart disease is typically only a disorder of males.

8 March 2022
Death of two cricketing legends: a cardiac wake-up call

The death of two cricketing legends on the same day is a tragic wake-up call for the prevalence of cardiovascular disease.

1 March 2022
Inflammation: the key to modern diseases

The field of inflammation research is yet another example of the vital contribution of modern science to our lives but we all need to play our part by taking responsibility for our own health.

22 February 2022
Microplastics: The invisible health crisis

Despite increasing evidence of the countless synthetic chemicals we are exposed to in our food and drink, most people seem to be ignoring this major health hazard.

15 February 2022
The 5 main causes of fatigue

Many people complain of being tired as they age. But, when you think about it, a complaint of tiredness or fatigue is rather vague.

31 January 2022
Stress – The Great Precipitant

I have been practising medicine for 40 years and have not seen one patient during that time who has suffered a heart attack, stroke, needed a coronary stent or bypass operation who wasn't under some form of stress at the time.

4 January 2022
The various effects of alcohol consumption beyond moderation

If consumed responsibly and in lower doses, alcohol can be a very pleasant adjunct to any social setting. However, excessive alcohol consumption presents a plethora of health impacts.

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