27 July 2024
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How to play the Australian stockmarket in 2020

2019 was an exceptional year for stocks at home and abroad, with both the Aussie and US markets hitting all-time highs.

The stock market cracked 7000. So what?

7000 an important milestone for anyone worrying about or working with stocks. But to the normal person, is it really a big deal?

What are the key risks and expected returns for the year ahead?

We’re cautiously optimistic about the outlook for equities in 2020, though we think returns will be lower than the outsized gains of 2019, given the higher valuation levels that markets are starting from.

Adairs is a shining light in homewares

Never-ending gloom about consumer sentiment, low retail sales growth and online competition was an awful backdrop for homeware stocks. Yet several starred in 2019 because they capitalised on emerging consumer trends.

When will this market melt-up end?

Forecasting is a treacherous business that few get right. I’m a market timer but this month I’ll have a punt on how long the current stock market melt-up might last.

Will health care star on the ASX again in 2020?

Is this outperformance in the Aussie health care sector going to continue, as investors are “forced” to load up on health care stocks?

My take on 2020

It’s was a remarkable year in the markets last year. What will this year bring?

Here’s why investing for wealth is better than being a doomsday merchant

I’d rather be in the market (long term) making money than on the sidelines scared and whinging.

3 large-cap stocks consider in 2020

Telstra Corporation, ANZ Bank and Woodside Petroleum are tipped to up their game.

5 Aussie export stock tips

Here are 4 of the ASX’s best export success stories – with a tiny and little-known micro-cap newcomer that aims to disrupt the welding industry around the world.

Is it right to call an investment in property or stocks a Ponzi scheme?

Doomsday merchants often describe the property price surge as one big property scheme. Are they right?

My tips for 2020

The easing cycle started in June 2019 is expected to continue into 2020, with low interest rates supporting asset prices, including the share market.

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