27 July 2024
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Tim Boreham

Tim Boreham is an experienced business writer, with over three decades at major business publications – covering sectors including; banking, accounting, resources, technology, telecoms, agribusiness, property trusts and life sciences.

11 November 2021
Are diamonds an investor’s best friend?

Is now the time to join the diamond hunt?

4 November 2021
2 stocks: Olive oil & almonds

Here are two listed agriculture stocks that could result in a bounteous harvest for investors.

29 October 2021
Is it all just a game?

In its latest report on the Australian entertainment and media industry, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) reckons the local e-gaming market will turn over $4.9 billion in 2025 but is there anything really there for investors?

21 October 2021
4 off-the-beaten-track travel stocks

Here are 4 travel and tourism shares that could benefit from reopening.

14 October 2021
3 hidden gems

Here are 3 small caps forging export markets.

7 October 2021
What mortgage stress?

Are investors correctly sniffing rising distress in the mortgage belt, or is it another false alarm and the shares make for value buying into what’s been a Teflon-coated sector for so many years?

30 September 2021
Are BHP, Rio and Fortescue now decent value?

Have the iron ore miners been oversold or should investors steel for more ferrous pain?

23 September 2021
Park these stocks on your watch list

Parking Australia cites a Californian study showing that even as restrictions eased in 2021, public transport patronage was 40% below pre-plague levels and unlikely to recover fully. Is investing in parking stations a good bet then?

17 September 2021
The story of Dicker Data: I did it my way

Dicker Data is a classic example of a founder-led company that has broken all the corporate ‘rules’.

9 September 2021
Salvaging six small caps

Can these fallen small-cap angels regain their wings?

2 September 2021
Who were the heroes of reporting season?

Beyond the blue-chip usual suspects, here are a dozen industrial stocks that shrugged off the pandemic blues and, in most cases, beat expectations.

26 August 2021
Family Zone buys Smoothwall

There’s action in the family cyber protection space – and is there more to come?

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