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26 July 2024
1300 794 893
74% of Aussies want a wealth tax!

The case against billionaires is building and there’s a movement to slug them harder with a special tax.

I can't stop Meta. Neither can the ATO, ASIC or the ACCC

How do these big companies get away with dodging tax and allowing scams to run on their platforms?

ASIC cracks down on pumpers & dumpers

Here’s an example of another criminal opportunity brought to us by the Internet and the failure of politicians to care that there are pirates out there on the ‘open seas’ raiding people’s wealth.

National house building goal failure as Sydney is unaffordable

We need politicians who are housing champions at both national and state levels to make sure heaven, hell and earth is moved to get more homes built. Is anyone out there listening to this?

Switzer Investing TV | 22nd July 2024

Tech stocks are being sold off in the US but are they buys here? Adam Dawes likes these!

Will the markets like Biden’s resignation?

How will the financial markets respond to this big and sensible decision by Joe Biden?

CommSec’s Craig James is the Michael J. Fox of economics as he has Parkinson’s Disease

One of Australia’s best economists, Craig James, has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. If anyone can manage this affliction, it will be this champion of a man.

June 27 and July 13 gave Trump the 2024 election.

Mark my words: the second Trump aberration will be just as bad for America as the first.

The Greens are demanding Treasurer Chalmers cancel any RBA rate rise

Over-ride the decisions of the Reserve Bank? Rob more from the rich to give more handouts? Are the Greens having multi-coloured dreams?

Third airline for Australia? Go fly a kite!

The CEO of Qantas has put the kybosh on anyone thinking about starting a fourth airline in this country. That’s an idea that simply just won’t fly!

A look at culture, arts, extras and things we’re following this week.

Photo of the Week

20/09/2023 05:46
VMelbourne Fashion Week 2023 Ambassador Ayesha Madon (centre) poses for a photograph with models ahead of Melbourne Fashion Week at the Commons Collective, Melbourne, Wednesday, September 20, 2023. (AAP Image/James Ross)
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