27 July 2024
1300 794 893


We're the biggest exporters of goats in the world!

It's a shock revelation but we export goats, lots of them. Why is this so?

Switzer Investing TV | 15th July 2024

Why I don’t think markets are ready to crash. For the full show subscribe to The Switzer Report

Should we be frightened that the stock market will crash?

One of my financial planning clients saw an ABC commentator showing enough to ‘frighten’ him to ask whether he should remain exposed to the stock market. Here’s my response …

Inflation falls in the US as our CPI could be on the rise

Now we could face a spike in many product prices because of shipping troubles in the Red Sea and Asia that will force up costs and inflation!

Premier Minns is closing down business for the Anzacs

Where do I stand on the emotional subject of Anzac Day?

Did the CFMEU and the Fair Work Commission conspire to rob workers of their pay increase?

Wage theft has become a big issue, and it’s a shocking look when it appears that the labour market referee, the Fair Work Commission, acted like an accessory to these underpayments to miners!

Switzer Investing TV | 1st July 2024

Adam Dawes give his 5 best stock ideas for 2024/25 & should you be afraid of shorted stocks?

Woolies boss could lose a million

Ex-Qantas boss Alan Joyce has been accused of a litany of issues that could threaten his final exit pay, while Woolworths’ outgoing CEO could be kissing goodbye a cool million of his pay cheque because his contract had a clause that linked his departure payout to the company’s reputation.

Payman should go Green and Thorpe will go

After three senators have dumped their parties to go independent, we now have five independents, which is a lot of power. But Malcolm Mackerras thinks it’s unlikely these political players will stand the test of time.

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