27 July 2024
1300 794 893


What we can learn from James Packer

Wealthy people are always in the market looking for ways to keep building their wealth, while also preserving what they have. For that reason, I’ve always kept myself open to heed what the wealthy might know that can give insights to build wealth.

Rents go through the roof

As rents continue to surge across the country, these questions come to mind: How can we fix this housing shortage that forces rents to go sky high? And who should be fixing this?

Lindsay Fox has stuck it to the banks and big supermarkets, again!

Cash will be available for anyone who needs it because the ongoing dispute between Armaguard and the big banks, big supermarkets and Australia Post has been settled, with ACCC approval.

Do all economists think interest rates must rise?

The economic data drops over July will be critical for the direction of rates but the only place where a rise seems to look more certain is in the media! Why is this so?

AI could create 200,000 jobs here by 2030 but lose 300 million globally, and lead to more fraud.

With the threatening employment black cloud of artificial intelligence, do we have politicians tough enough and even mad enough to control the big businesses and scam merchants who use social platforms to swindle us? Could Trump as President jump on board with AI or restrict it?

Switzer Investing TV | 1st July 2024

Great week for Switzer Report and 7 Stock Finds! For the full show subscribe to The Switzer Report

Government generosity starts today but will it KO rate cuts?

While some economists are ramping up pressure for a higher cash rate to kill off inflation, Treasurer Chalmers thinks his generous Budget and those of his Labor state premiers won’t keep inflation high at its current 4% level. If he’s right, it’s good news for rates. But what if he’s wrong?

What could a Trump victory do to stocks?

With the presidential debate looming today, does it really make any difference to stock markets if the world ends up with a President Biden or a President Trump?

Two groups of Aussies need to stop spending or rates will rise

May has delivered a disappointing inflation reading and unless economic data drops improve, interest rates will rise again, maybe as early as this coming August.

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