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Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on switzer.com.au

17 April 2024
Game on: Woolworths-v-The Greens, with gaol time threatened

Better regulation and public exposure of big companies with excessive market power that wield it against the public interest, should be named and shamed. But gaol? Give me a break!

16 April 2024
Double holidays are coming for workers but there’ll be a price

Imagine you’re an employee who’d love to double your annual holiday leave. How good would that be if you had responsibilities and needed the time? But there’s a catch…

15 April 2024
Treasurer Chalmers tax concessions to beat the ghost of Paul Keating

Targeted assistance makes sense but there has to be rigorous and robust tests to prevent money being wasted.

12 April 2024
Could workers returning to the office be good for interest rates?

Despite the last unemployment reading revealing a drop from 4.1% to 3.7%, there’s a current return-to-the-office trend, which is seen as an anecdotal sign that the economy’s slowing

11 April 2024
Albo wants to help local manufacturers out-compete China!

The Federal government wants to safeguard our economy from China and the threat of supply chain problems. It’s behind a ‘big push’ protection program for industry ahead of the 2025 election campaign, which clearly has started!

10 April 2024
Seven property facts all players should know

When someone as smart as Dr Shane Oliver pens a piece on “seven things you need to know about the Australian property market”, I’m happy to learn and share it with you, my subscribers.

9 April 2024
Young people in the workplace are surprising recruiters and employers

Please don’t shoot the messenger but the recruitment industry say Gen Z young people are reportedly asking for big pay rises and when do they want them? Now, or they are “out of here!”

8 April 2024
Business strikes back at Albanese government

The PM told a small business conference his Government is pro-business, which is at odds with the Business Council of Australia’s view that policy plays over the past two years were anti-business and potential job killers.

5 April 2024
Our tax burden makes Kerry Packer's insults very relevant

I hope National Cabinet at least has a good think about the amount of taxes we’re paying and how public servants are spending our tax money.

4 April 2024
Don’t let market noise spook you right now

Stocks can shock and scare you, but you have to learn to be patient and ignore those short-term scary stories.

3 April 2024
Economists divided on when rates fall, so who’s right?

Rate cuts and when they happen are a work-in-progress, but here’s why I think we’ll see cuts before we start shopping for Christmas presents this year.

2 April 2024
Is Dr Jim a poor man's Keating?

I’ve been asked to assess The Australian’s Judith Sloane’s view on the country’s current Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, who’s seen as the likely successor to PM Anthony Albanese. So here goes.

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