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Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on switzer.com.au

28 March 2024
I’m a bank cheerleader but purely for money reasons

Am I a cheerleader for banks? My oath I am because I live by the rational view that banks are a useful fact of life. And that’s a balanced point of view.

27 March 2024
CBA boss wants a higher GST but no politician supports his call

Until we have politicians who could convince Aussies to buy into the economically rational view of the CBA’s boss, we’ll be stuck with our inadequate tax system that won’t be a big help for economic growth.

26 March 2024
Should you be positive about stocks and your super this year?

Here’s my case for share market optimism this year. And as super returns rest heavily on stock market performance, this should be a good year for stocks and super too.

25 March 2024
Switzer Investing TV | 25th March 2024

What are the best mid-cap stocks according to Jun Bei Liu and Raymond Chan?

25 March 2024
Labor gunning for Coles and Woolies. Watch their share prices fall!

A former Coles executive turned Labor MP is ringing the bell on the revelation that Australia pays 108% more than the world average for vegetables, 41% more for meat and 73% more for other grocery items.

22 March 2024
Have the great job numbers killed CBA’s big rate cut call?

Great news on the jobs front but does it KO that ambitious call by the CBA economics team of three rate cuts before year’s end and three more next year?

21 March 2024
Who determines our interest rates is important

If interest rates weren’t so important, this Labor/Coalition battle over who should be determining our interest rate future would simply be seen as a silly political stoush ahead of the 2025 election.

20 March 2024
Are we’re getting into RBA rate cutting territory?

More economists are seeing it my way that rate cuts are a lot closer than predicted earlier in the year.

19 March 2024
Be careful about media scare merchants

Negative media merchants can have a detrimental effect on your wealth if you’re predisposed to listening to their gloom and doom.

18 March 2024
Switzer Investing TV | 18th March 2024

Should you buy the banks or say bye, bye to them? Plus, hot investment plays now!

18 March 2024
A big RBA decision comes this week

This week is set to be a big one for rate worriers, with the RBA to meet tomorrow. We should see cuts by September but there are economists who argue no change will come this year. Here’s why I think they’re wrong.

15 March 2024
Here's the best financial advice I can give you!

The greatest barrier to people building wealth is their inability to learn what they don’t know and then pay people to help them fix that.

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