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Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on switzer.com.au

14 March 2024
Unions are angling to KO labour hire businesses

The existence of labour hire firms is set to come under pressure following the union’s deal with the Albanese government to use the “same job same pay” mantra as the basis of a Fair Work Commission challenge.

13 March 2024
WA scoops GST revenue pool for dumb political reasons

When are governments going to get smart and stop playing politics with taxpayers’ money? These dumb and dumber moves need to stop.

12 March 2024
Why do big US companies in Australia get away with blue murder when it comes to tax and regulation?

Matt Comyn CEO of our biggest bank has pleaded the case for a ‘fair go’ for local big businesses, asking how come the US robber barons of the 21st century get away with blue murder here in Australia?

11 March 2024
Switzer Investing TV | 11th March 2024

Jun Beil Liu assesses CSL, A2Milk and IDP Education + Are these dog stocks ready to have their day?

11 March 2024
Nuisance tariffs to go but who’ll be the big winners?

These reductions are small beer compared to Paul Keating’s tariff cuts. The big winners won’t be consumers but businesses that lose time with the red tape that goes with paying these silly imposts on imports.

8 March 2024
Behind closed doors attempts to improve economy

The government is trying to boost competition but are they fair dinkum?

7 March 2024
Stop worrying about rate rises and your super

They’re trying to scare you about an economic slowdown and poor super returns. Here’s my view on why they’re wrong.

6 March 2024
Private health insurance premiums get government green light to go up

Private health insurance premiums are on the rise, but the good news is the rise isn’t over the- top. This move should get you to look at what you’re paying and see if you can get cheaper premiums.

5 March 2024
Apple fined $3 billion for ripping off music fans

While there’s good and bad news on this massive fine for Apple, the potentially better news is that regulators, courts and maybe one day politicians might have the guts to look at what these big streaming and social media platforms are doing to consumers and crackdown on these rip off practices.

4 March 2024
Switzer Investing TV | 26th February 2024

A good tech company caller gives us his tech tips post-reporting season + is CSL yesterday’s hero stock?

4 March 2024
Both sides to promise fewer immigrants next election

Labor and the Coalition agree on immigration and both sides will significantly cutback the total number of new arrivals. But what number will they be looking at to cut?

1 March 2024
Push for nuclear to be part of the ABC of future power generation escalates

Is the world becoming more rational about the role that nuclear power generators could play in killing off our dependence on fossil fuels?

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