27 July 2024
1300 794 893


Government generosity starts today but will it KO rate cuts?

While some economists are ramping up pressure for a higher cash rate to kill off inflation, Treasurer Chalmers thinks his generous Budget and those of his Labor state premiers won’t keep inflation high at its current 4% level. If he’s right, it’s good news for rates. But what if he’s wrong?

What could a Trump victory do to stocks?

With the presidential debate looming today, does it really make any difference to stock markets if the world ends up with a President Biden or a President Trump?

Two groups of Aussies need to stop spending or rates will rise

May has delivered a disappointing inflation reading and unless economic data drops improve, interest rates will rise again, maybe as early as this coming August.

BRICS elections give good news

When I say that these election results gave good news, I should declare the parties of which I am a ‘putative’ member.

Don't use silly ‘get rich’ plans. Get a motto and stick with it.

There’s a great motto repeated by a respected coach “No guts, no glory”. If you apply a level of professional discipline to your money life, it will reap you rewards.

Switzer Investing TV | 24th May 2024

Will diet drugs KO Resmed by turning fat people thin? And 8 stocks the charts say yes to!

Lindsay Fox twists into submissions the arms of banks

At the expense of big businesses, the founder of trucking giant Linfox has proven the old saying that “cash is king”.

Guzman y Gomez's founders got rich yesterday but how?

This popular food outlet delivered its founders billions of dollars so what’s the secret recipe for cooking up a money making machine business?

Aussie billionaire kicks Facebook's butt in court

There are times when it’s great to know that you have a billionaire who suffers from the same social and economic injustice at the hands of a big, global company that can snub its nose at your requests for a fair go.

No rate change so does the RBA know what it's doing?

The bottom line message from the official press release is that our Reserve Bank doesn’t quite know what to do. Despite that, they’ve done the right thing by doing nothing! So, what’s next?

Switzer Investing TV | 17th May 2024

Hot stocks analysts love and beware the blue chip bubble!

Ed Craven has gambled his way to the top

Meet Melbournite Ed Craven, Australia’s youngest billionaire with an apparent net worth of $3.86 billion! How did he do this?

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