My most recent article for Switzer Daily 'Poor system gives Albo unexpected Senate control' has provoked more controversy than I expected, from certain readers. I’ll begin with a commenter who wrote: “OK Malcolm if this is incorrect and needs to be fixed and they have lied, when we get the FED ICAC can we then get a submission to it, and have it dealt with or what other methods are there to get this corrected?”
The answer I give is that I have no intention to raise this with any federal ICAC for the simple reason that I have never accused the Electoral Commissioner, Tom Rogers, of corruption. I have merely accused him of telling lies. I did that first in a letter I wrote to him in October 2020 to which he gave me a courteous response that did not deny this assertion made by me: "First, we had the lies you told on page 3 of 'Your official guide to the 2019 federal election: Saturday 18 May 2019'”.
CLICK HERE to read the full article on Malcolm Mackerras' personal blog.