27 July 2024
1300 794 893

Search results for: cheap

Businesses search for smaller and/or cheaper offices with staff working from home but where are these places?

It’s tale of two types of businesses: the high flyers who can pay high rents and the Pandemic-affected low flyers who are feeling stretched.

MD of Webjet thinks his company will fly + how to invest in bitcoin on the cheap & why EML soared

Peter Switzer is joined by MD of Webjet John Guscic, Dan Annam of Cosmos Asset Management, Ron Shamgar of TAMIM Asset Management, and founder of Century21 Charles Tarbey.

Cheap money up for grabs & going fast!

The Federal government and the Reserve Bank are shovelling out money for anyone who wants to have a crack via the banks.

Cheap rescue loans for The Walking Dead

Here’s a great government idea to breathe life into zombie workers and zombie businesses.

Do we want to pay to keep banks open in the bush?

Banks are closing in country towns, with 2,000 disappearing since 2017! The good news for the rural community is the Senate is inquiring into how banks can stay open in the bush. But there’s bad news too…

My view on Chalmer’s Budget

There are a lot of giveaways in this Budget but also a lot of interest rate promises that might not be able to be kept. Let’s take a look…

Albo wants to help local manufacturers out-compete China!

The Federal government wants to safeguard our economy from China and the threat of supply chain problems. It’s behind a ‘big push’ protection program for industry ahead of the 2025 election campaign, which clearly has started!

Don’t let market noise spook you right now

Stocks can shock and scare you, but you have to learn to be patient and ignore those short-term scary stories.

Nuisance tariffs to go but who’ll be the big winners?

These reductions are small beer compared to Paul Keating’s tariff cuts. The big winners won’t be consumers but businesses that lose time with the red tape that goes with paying these silly imposts on imports.

Behind closed doors attempts to improve economy

The government is trying to boost competition but are they fair dinkum?

Private health insurance premiums get government green light to go up

Private health insurance premiums are on the rise, but the good news is the rise isn’t over the- top. This move should get you to look at what you’re paying and see if you can get cheaper premiums.

Apple fined $3 billion for ripping off music fans

While there’s good and bad news on this massive fine for Apple, the potentially better news is that regulators, courts and maybe one day politicians might have the guts to look at what these big streaming and social media platforms are doing to consumers and crackdown on these rip off practices.

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