27 July 2024
1300 794 893

The Peter Switzer Show

What happened to Shane Warne? How can others avoid his tragic end?

In today's podcast, Dr Ross Walker tells us his lessons and advice in regard's to Shane Warne's tragic passing.

More episodes

Has 'Dr Doom' Steve Keen become Dr Boom?

Economist and author Steve Keen discusses his past predictions and his outlook for the future with Peter Switzer.

Hamish Douglass & Josh Frydenberg on the future for stocks & the economy

Peter Switzer speaks to Magellan co-founder, chairman, and CIO Hamish Douglass plus Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

Worried about the vaccine rollout & second strains? What does Dr Ross Walker think?

Peter Switzer talks to Dr Ross Walker about the latest COVID-19 news plus Justyn Walsh on his book 'Investing with Keynes'.

Anthony Mundine on how his mindset helped him become a champion!

Former professional boxer and rugby league player Anthony Mundine plus SMG managing partner Christopher Paterson join the show.

Legendary online bookie Tom Waterhouse talks about his big bets in business

Tom Waterhouse discusses his history as an online bookmaker, and his most recent business ventures since exiting the bookmaking industry.

How Rex is sticking it to Qantas and Virgin

Regional Express deputy chairman John Sharp and OnePassport co-founder and CEO Michael Maher join this week's show.

Doug Mulray's sidekick Dave Gibson on the creation of radio's funniest characters

Peter Switzer talks to Dave Gibson about his experience on the Doug Mulray show, plus the CEO of the RCSA, Charles Cameron, explains the changes made by the Fair Work Amendment Bill.

Learning from Legends: ELO CEO & Mark Zuckerberg's Aussie roommate

ELMO Software (ELO) CEO and co-founder Danny Lessem and Antler Australia managing partner Bede Moore speak to Peter Switzer.

Learning from Legends: Susan Mitchell

Peter Switzer is joined by the CEO of Mortgage Choice, Susan Mitchell.

Learning from Legends: Matthew Michalewicz

Peter Switzer speaks to Complexica CEO Matthew Michalewicz and Holloway Diamonds founder Garry Holloway.

Learning from Legends: John Hewson

Peter Switzer talks to former Liberal Party leader Dr John Hewson about his experience in politics and economics.

Learning from Legends: Peter Switzer interviews Adam Ferrier & Peter Switzer

The founder of creative agency Thinkerbell, Adam Ferrier, joins the show this week, plus an interview of Peter Switzer by Peter Switzer.

About the Switzer Show

Join Peter Switzer and special guests for our podcast: The Peter Switzer Show!

We cover all the finance, property and hip pocket issues you've always wanted to ask about. Don't miss our next episode uploaded every Wednesday afternoon.

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