27 July 2024
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Stephanie Stefanovic

Stephanie Stefanovic is a content writer at Sharesight. An experienced business journalist and keen investor, her main interests include ESG investing, infrastructure stocks and global stock market trends.

11 November 2020
The top trades by SMSFs in October

Here are the top 20 stocks traded by SMSFs last month and the market-moving news behind 8 of the most traded stocks.

9 October 2020
The top trades by SMSFs in September

Here are the top 20 buy and sell trades made by SMSFs last month and details about 8 of them.

4 September 2020
The top 20 trades made by SMSFs in August 2020

Here are the top 20 buy and sell trades made by SMSFs last month and details about 8 of them.

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