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Peter Switzer

Peter Switzer launched his own financial business 30 years ago. The Switzer Group has since grown into three successful companies spanning media and publishing that creates written content as well as video and films, with its latest acquisition being the global brand Harper’s Bazaar, financial advice, insurance and business advice. Peter is an award-winning broadcaster, twice runner-up for the Best Current Affairs Commentator award for radio, behind broadcaster Alan Jones. He talks to Ben Fordham each morning on 2GB, as well as writing each day on switzer.com.au

24 June 2024
Lindsay Fox twists into submissions the arms of banks

At the expense of big businesses, the founder of trucking giant Linfox has proven the old saying that “cash is king”.

21 June 2024
Guzman y Gomez's founders got rich yesterday but how?

This popular food outlet delivered its founders billions of dollars so what’s the secret recipe for cooking up a money making machine business?

20 June 2024
Aussie billionaire kicks Facebook's butt in court

There are times when it’s great to know that you have a billionaire who suffers from the same social and economic injustice at the hands of a big, global company that can snub its nose at your requests for a fair go.

19 June 2024
No rate change so does the RBA know what it's doing?

The bottom line message from the official press release is that our Reserve Bank doesn’t quite know what to do. Despite that, they’ve done the right thing by doing nothing! So, what’s next?

18 June 2024
Ed Craven has gambled his way to the top

Meet Melbournite Ed Craven, Australia’s youngest billionaire with an apparent net worth of $3.86 billion! How did he do this?

17 June 2024
The NSW government joins Labor's tax assault on the successful

With 13 interest rate rises, no rate cuts in sight and state governments (now including NSW) raising land taxes, it’s no wonder we learn many Australians think the Albanese Labor Government is on the nose!

14 June 2024
Data shows it's time politicians solved our housing problem

A US university report reveals how hard it is for middle-income Australians to buy property in Australian capital cities. This raises the question: why can’t Australian voters demand politicians do something about it?

13 June 2024
Is the next Netflix movie to be called “The Aussie Bean Counters Who Shagged the World”?

The plot thickens as the PwC scandal inquiry suggests accountants were acting like foreign spies. This looks set to end up as a Netflix movie, with money men and women (once known as bean counters in brown cardigans) leading a mysterious double life of international financial espionage and intrigue!

12 June 2024
Is this the Coalition's “Angus Taylor to the rescue” plan for interest rate sufferers?

Since March, Opposition Treasurer Angus Taylor has argued that the existing Reserve Bank board should be migrated ‘holus-bolus’ into the new board that determines interest rate movements. Is Taylor seeing something most of us have missed?

11 June 2024
Demands escalate for boards to be more Aussie

There’s an argument that boards are filled with recruits from the so-called ‘old boys club’ and at the same time, judging from the share price action of many companies, boards do need new people leading these businesses.

7 June 2024
Who are the most trusted and distrusted businesses in Australia?

Businesses we don’t trust have shown themselves to be self-interested and not considerate of the consumer!

6 June 2024
Read this book and get thinking outside the square…

“REMORANDOM 2 is a new book by Remo Giuffre, which reminded me of my interview with Edward de Bono, the creator of the term lateral thinking. He told me successful people in all walks of life think outside the square. This book might help you do exactly that!” Peter Switzer.

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