27 July 2024
1300 794 893

The CEO Masterclass

George Karafotias from Wellnex Life (WNX) |The CEO Masterclass

Peter Switzer talks with Wellnex Life (WNX) CEO, George Karafotias.

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More episodes

Christopher Hulls from Life360 (ASX:360)

Peter Switzer speaks to the CEO of Life360 (ASX:360), Christopher Hulls.

Steven Turner from Rafaella Resources (ASX:RFR)

Peter Switzer is joined by the Managing Director of Rafaella Resources (RFR), Steven Turner.

David Head from Clean Seas Seafood (ASX:CSS)

The CEO and managing director of Clean Seas Seafood (CSS), David Head, joins Peter Switzer in our latest episode of The CEO Masterclass.

Michele Dilizia from Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ASX:RCE)

Recce Pharmaceuticals (RCE) Executive Director Michele Dilizia joins Peter Switzer.

Geoff Ward from Hazer Group (ASX:HZR)

Peter Switzer sits down with the CEO of Hazer Group (ASX:HZR), Geoff Ward.

Robert Proulx from Imagion Biosystems (IBX)

Peter Switzer is joined by the CEO of medical imaging company Imagion Biosystems (IBX), Robert Proulx.

James Garner from Kazia Therapeutics (KZA)

Peter Switzer speaks to Kazia Therepeutics (KZA) CEO James Garner about the company's work to develop a new drug for cancer.

Dr Ron Weinberger from EMvision (EMV)

For an update on the company's progress in developing a portable brain scanner for detecting stroke, EMvision (ASX: EMV) CEO Dr Ron Weinberger joins Peter Switzer.

Bryce Crocker from Jervois Mining (JRV)

Peter Switzer is joined by Bryce Crocker, the CEO of mining and exploration company Jervois Mining (JRV).

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