The CEO Masterclass

George Karafotias from Wellnex Life (WNX) |The CEO Masterclass

Peter Switzer talks with Wellnex Life (WNX) CEO, George Karafotias.

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George Karafotias from Wellnex Life (ASX:WNX)

Peter Switzer talks to the chief executive officer of Wellnex Life (WNX), George Karafotias.

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Dr Steven Gourlay from Actinogen (ASX:ACW)

Peter Switzer sits down with the CEO and Managing Director of Actinogen Medical (ACW), Dr Steven Gourlay.

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Philip Daffas from Painchek (ASX:PCK)

Peter Switzer is joined by Philip Daffas, the CEO and Managing Director of Painchek (PCK).

Dr Ron Weinberger from EMvision Medical Devices (ASX:EMV)

Peter Switzer talks to Dr Ron Weinberger, CEO and Managing Director of EMvision (EMV).

Peter Cook from Novatti Group (ASX:NOV)

Peter Switzer sits down with the CEO of Novatti (NOV), Peter Cook.

Dr Chris Hart from Oventus Medical (ASX:OVN)

Peter Switzer speaks to the founder and CEO of Oventus (OVN), Dr Chris Hart.

Brian Ward from Aroa Biosurgery (ASX:ARX)

Peter Switzer is joined by Brian Ward, the founder and CEO of soft tissue regeneration company Aroa (ARX).

Marie Brownell & Jodi Kennedy from Equity Trustees (ASX:EQT)

Peter Switzer is joined by Marie Brownell (National Manager, Estate Planning) & Jodi Kennedy (General Manager, Charitable Trusts and Philanthropy) from Equity Trustees (ASX:EQT).

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