27 July 2024
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Switzer TV

Switzer Investing TV | 22nd July 2024

Tech stocks are being sold off in the US but are they buys here? Adam Dawes likes these!

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Mad about Money

Join Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard for this week's episode of Mad about Money. 

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Coronavirus! Dr Doom Steve Keen & Chris Joye tell you how to play it

'Old debating enemies' Steve Keen and Chris Joye weigh in on the effects of COVID-19, plus Charlie Aitken and Paul Rickard.

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James Garner from Kazia Therapeutics (KZA)

Peter Switzer speaks to Kazia Therepeutics (KZA) CEO James Garner about the company's work to develop a new drug for cancer.

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Why vitamins may not be good for you

In this week's The Check Up, Dr Ross Walker explains why Vitamins may not be good for you.

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Dr Ron Weinberger from EMvision (EMV)

For an update on the company's progress in developing a portable brain scanner for detecting stroke, EMvision (ASX: EMV) CEO Dr Ron Weinberger joins Peter Switzer.

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Bryce Crocker from Jervois Mining (JRV)

Peter Switzer is joined by Bryce Crocker, the CEO of mining and exploration company Jervois Mining (JRV).

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Why vitamins don't always work

Why do some studies show no benefit for taking vitamins? Dr Ross Walker explains.

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Mad about Money

What's happening with the markets?! Find out as Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard present Mad about Money live!

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Reporting Season on now, what stocks should you be buying?

Julia Lee, Michael McCarthy, Paul Rickard and Michael Blake join Peter Switzer this week.

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Should you be taking vitamins?

Dr Ross Walker explains why he believes people should start taking vitamins from age 30.

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The Four Cs: CBA, CSL, Coronavirus and Calombaris!

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss how the Commonwealth Bank and CSL reported today, plus the latest on the coronavirus and George Calombaris.

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Is JB Hi-Fi still a buy? And some surprise stocks worth investing

On this week's show, Michael Wayne and John McBain join regulars Julia Lee, Michael McCarthy and Paul Rickard.

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