27 July 2024
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Switzer TV

Switzer Investing TV | 22nd July 2024

Tech stocks are being sold off in the US but are they buys here? Adam Dawes likes these!

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What can you do about osteoporosis?

Dr Ross Walker suggests five things you can do about osteoporosis before you start needing medical therapy.

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Are stocks set to sink like a stone?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard share their thoughts about the stock market, capital raisings and oil prices.

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How you should be investing in the current market

Joining Peter Switzer this week: Julia Lee, David Bassanese, Charlie Aitken, Paul Rickard and Jon Lecthe.

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Why too much exercise can be unhealthy

Dr Ross Walker shares the details of a study which found that exercise - in combination with restricted calories - can lead to weaker bones.

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Will we have a V-shaped recovery?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss the IMF's prediction of a V-shaped recovery, whether another leg down for the stock market is possible and what stocks to buy.

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How are the experts investing ahead of the Roaring Twenties?

Find out how Julia Lee, Michael McCarthy, Anthony Doyle, Roger Montgomery, Geoff Wilson, Dr Catherine Ball and Michael Knox are investing.

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More ways to control blood pressure

Dr Ross Walker suggests four more ways to help control blood pressure, including three natural options.

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Will there be another leg down for the stock market or has the worst now passed?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard share their thoughts on the next stock market movements, bank dividends and capital raisings.

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Buy stocks now or is there another leg down coming?

Anthony Doyle, Michael McCarthy, Julia Lee, Charlie Aitken and Paul Rickard join Peter Switzer for this week's Investing show.

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Stop obsessing over cholesterol!

Dr Ross Walker believes that blood pressure is ten times more important that cholesterol for people over 60.

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Is the worst of the corona-crash for the stock market over?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss whether the crash is over, how dividends will be affected and the stocks to avoid.

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Should you buy stocks now? Listen to these experts!

Peter Switzer is joined by Julian McCormack, Julia Lee, Michael McCarthy, Shane Oliver and Paul Rickard.

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