27 July 2024
1300 794 893

The Peter Switzer Show

What happened to Shane Warne? How can others avoid his tragic end?

In today's podcast, Dr Ross Walker tells us his lessons and advice in regard's to Shane Warne's tragic passing.

More episodes

The real Josh Frydenberg

Peter Switzer speaks to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg about his pre-MP days as a tennis player, Australia's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and more. Plus Palace Cinemas CEO Benjamin Zeccola discusses the company's history and his experiences running a cinema business that has had its income cut to zero during the shutdown.

Like a Rolling Stone

Peter Switzer speaks to The Brag Media CEO Luke Girgis following the company's relaunch of Rolling Stone Australia magazine earlier this month, plus Hans Hendrischke, professor of Chinese Business & Management at the University of Sydney Business School, and Adam Gilmour, CEO of Gilmour Space Technologies.

How COVID-19 has changed society forever! Banks: best buy ever?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard are joined by Bernard Salt, Managing Director of The Demographics Group, to look how our lives will change post-Coronavirus, plus analysis of the big four banks from EY Oceania Banking and Capital Markets Leader Tim Dring and Switzer Report contributor Tony Featherstone.

Where there's a will, there's a way

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard are joined by Industry Super Australia chief economist Stephen Anthony, Per Capita executive director Emma Dawson, Msquared Capital MDs Paul Myliotis & Paul Miron, and Safewill CEO Adam Lubofsky.

Switzer takes a jump to the left!

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard are joined by the author of 'Four Futures: Life After Capitalism', Peter Frase, plus La Trobe University's Geraldine Kennett, Skin Elements' Peter Malone, and Louise Kaye from London.

What is Magellan's Hamish Douglass buying after the corona-crash?

For the 100th episode of The Switzer Show, Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard are joined by Magellan's Hamish Douglass, Dr Ross Walker and AMP Capital's Shane Oliver.

Will Rugby League be back before June?

In this bumper episode of The Switzer Show, Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard are joined by Sydney Roosters coach Trent Robinson, plus Super Ratings' Jeff Bresnehan, A.H. Beard's Allyn Beard and Msqured Capital's John Thomas.

Pauline Hanson vs. the coronavirus

Senator Pauline Hanson joins Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard to give her take on COVID-19, plus insights from Dr Ross Walker, IBISWorld founder Phil Ruthven and Power Retail MD Grant Arnott.

How 'Mr Cricket' Jim Maxwell bats away coronavirus bouncers

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard talk to ABC cricket commentator Jim Maxwell about his investing habits, plus interviews with economist and former Labor politician Craig Emerson and TV producer Kaye Switzer.

SME Minister Cash tells business how the government will be good for you

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard catch up with Michaelia Cash, the Small and Family Business Minister, to find out how the government is helping businesses through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

When will virus data send stocks soaring?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard are joined by Chris Joye from Coolabah Capital, Glenn Keys from Aspen Medical and Brad Dunn from Daintree Capital.

How is the coronavirus affecting Harvey Norman?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard catch up with Harvey Norman chairman Gerry Harvey to discuss how retailers and other businesses are being affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19), plus interviews with Raj Nanda and Ralph Hobbs from Nanda\Hobbs and Felicity Furey from Power of Engineering.

About the Switzer Show

Join Peter Switzer and special guests for our podcast: The Peter Switzer Show!

We cover all the finance, property and hip pocket issues you've always wanted to ask about. Don't miss our next episode uploaded every Wednesday afternoon.

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