Switzer TV

Watch the latest videos from the Switzer Media YouTube channel, including Switzer TV: InvestingSwitzer TV: Property, Mad about Money, The Check Up and more!

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21 February 2020
We test out the doomsday merchant's claim that the property prices must crash

Shane Oliver, Damien Klassen and Anna Porter join Peter Switzer for a property price discussion.

19 February 2020
Mad about Money

What's happening with the markets?! Find out as Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard present Mad about Money live!

18 February 2020
Reporting Season on now, what stocks should you be buying?

Julia Lee, Michael McCarthy, Paul Rickard and Michael Blake join Peter Switzer this week.

15 February 2020
Should you be taking vitamins?

Dr Ross Walker explains why he believes people should start taking vitamins from age 30.

14 February 2020
House price doubters, wrong again!

Eliza Owen, Bruce Hockman and Mike Day join Peter Switzer in our latest property show.

12 February 2020
The Four Cs: CBA, CSL, Coronavirus and Calombaris!

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss how the Commonwealth Bank and CSL reported today, plus the latest on the coronavirus and George Calombaris.

11 February 2020
Is JB Hi-Fi still a buy? And some surprise stocks worth investing

On this week's show, Michael Wayne and John McBain join regulars Julia Lee, Michael McCarthy and Paul Rickard.

8 February 2020
How Vitamin E could help you

Dr Ross Walker dives deeper into the benefits of Vitamin E, and explains the difference between the synthetic and natural versions of the supplement.

6 February 2020
Here's what you need to know if you're a first time property investor

Margaret Lomas, Dr Karl Mallon and Richard Gibbs join this week's Property show.

5 February 2020
What are the Reserve Bank and Wall Street smoking?!

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss the Reserve Bank's decision to keep interest rates on hold, Wall Street's big gains despite the coronavirus outbreak and how CSL is 'smoking hot'.

4 February 2020
Coronavirus - is this a buying opportunity?

On this week's show, Peter Switzer is joined by Julia Lee, Michael McCarthy, Michael Gable, Charlie Aitken, Paul Rickard and Vivek Bommi.

1 February 2020
The truth about vitamin supplements

Dr Ross Walker explains why vitamins do more than just give you expensive pee.

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