Steven Bennett

Steven manages more than $5 billion of Australian real estate on behalf of self managed super funds, high net worth and direct investors. His day-to-day responsibility includes overseeing asset management and tenancy matters, managing the financial structure of the funds and stakeholder communications.

9 February 2021
Emerging from the pandemic – the future of workplaces

While working from home has brought rapid adoption of new technologies and shifting perspectives on working outside of the office, how might the demand for office space be impacted?

21 October 2020
The long wait for Long WALE is over

Here’s a fund that focuses on resilient property sectors and properties with long-term leases.

9 June 2020
7 questions to ask yourself about unlisted direct property funds

Seriously consider these 7 important factors when weighing up whether an Australian unlisted direct property fund is right for you.

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