Hendrik-Jan Boer

Hendrik-Jan Boer joined Neuberger Berman in November 2020 as a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager in the Global Sustainable Equity investment team. Hendrik-Jan joined from NN Investment Partners, where since 2004 he had been the Investment Team Manager of Sustainable Investments, a Senior Portfolio Manager of Sustainable Equity Strategies, the Chair of the NN IP Proxy Voting Committee, and a member of the NN IP ESG Board. He joined NN Investment Partners in 1998 and prior to that, was a senior corporate analyst at NatWest Securities, and before that was a senior corporate and European sector analyst at I.R.I.S. (Institute for Research and Investment Services). He began his career at Swiss Bank Corp as a strategist and corporate analyst. Hendrik-Jan earned a MSc in Economics from Erasmus University, Rotterdam.

11 February 2022
Neuberger Berman: A sustainable approach that doesn’t compromise performance

The last two years have transformed societies, economies and technologies, and delivered us to a turning point for companies and investors alike. This has put a spotlight on sustainability and a growing interest in sustainable investing, among both institutional and retail investors.

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