Published on 26 May 2021

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What happened to Shane Warne? How can others avoid his tragic end?

In today's podcast, Dr Ross Walker tells us his lessons and advice in regard's to Shane Warne's tragic passing.

Chris Joye's 30-60% market crash

Peter Switzer is joined by Chris Joye who says the stock market will fall anywhere between 30-60%. The big question is when?

Peter Switzer is joined by the GM of Piper-Heidsieck, Benoît Collard

If Ash Barty popped a champagne after winning the Open it easily could’ve been a bottle of Piper-Heidsieck! Learning from legends this week meets the GM of Piper-Heidsieck, who studied in Melbourne, and now oversees the legendary champagne house that sponsors the Australian Open tennis tournament.

Legendary ad man Siimon Reynolds on what you should know about standing out and a new business called Buyers Circle.

Peter Switzer is joined by Siimon Reynolds from Buyers Circle.

Peter Switzer and Mark Finn discuss how Switz Insurance helps you cut through the noise and make the right insurance decisions

Peter Switzer and Mark Finn discuss the unique benefits of Switz Insurance.

Meet a young high-flying finance female - Eleanor Swanson

Meet a young high flying finance female - Eleanor Swanson - who was asked to give her one hot stock market tip at the Hearts & Minds Conference last week.

Can you invest in bitcoin without buying bitcoin? Yes, and Dan Annan shows you how

Peter Switzer is joined by Dan Annan from Cosmos Asset Management to discuss how investors can gain exposure to Bitcoin without investing directly into the cryptocurrency.

Peter Switzer is joined by David Scaysbrook from Quinbrook and Helen Tarrant from Unikorn Commercial Property

David Scaysbrook tells you why you should be investing in renewables + why commercial property is hot with Helen Tarrant.

Peter Switzer is joined by legendary rugby union player, Enrique Topo Rodriguez

Legendary rugby union player, Enrique Topo Rodriguez asks how long can sports administrators condemn players to injuries that leave players depressed and penniless? Hear how he wants to rock Australian and World Rugby.

Domain’s chief economist, Dr Nicola Powell, on will house prices really fall by 20% + how will offices lure jaded stay at home workers?

Peter Switzer is joined by the chief of research, Nicola Powell from Domain and Michael Greene, head of Tenant Representation Australia - JLL Australia

Money market guru Chris Joye explains why house prices will fall 20%!!!

Peter Switzer is joined by Chris Joye from Coolabah Capital who talks about interest rates and where the economy is going.

One of Australia’s smartest investors Mark Carnegie says cryptocurrency will one day change the money world forever! Find out why

Peter Switzer is joined by Mark Carnegie who gives us his insights on cryptocurrency.

This former NSW Treasury boss has become an avid stock market timer, so what is Percy Allan seeing for the share market — boom or doom?

Peter Switzer is joined by Percy Allan, where we hear his thoughts on where the stock market is going, plus how his life was as a treasury secretary.

Tax secrets from Kerry Packer’s former accountant - Allan Mason

Peter Switzer is joined by Kerry Packer's former accountant Allan Mason, who has written a very informative book called 'Tax secrets of the rich.'

Cardiologist and media medico Dr Ross Walker puts the needle into the anti-vaxxers who actually threaten all of us! + What is ProcurePro?

Dr Ross tackles the questions we all have regarding the coronavirus and vaccines plus Paul Walker talks to us about ProcurePro!

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