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3 wise men talk shares set to rise

Maureen Jordan
18 February 2021

In an article published today on Switzer Daily, finance journalist Tim Boreham looks at the rise of the investment platforms that service the financial advice sector. In particular, Boreham’s article assesses the performance of Praemium.

On the first Friday of the month, subscribers to the Switzer Report gather to hear Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard field questions about shares — any shares!

In their last webinar they were joined by Michael Wayne, MD of Medallion Financial Group, and a question was asked about investment platforms. The ensuing discussion centred on two platforms: Hub 24 and Praemium.

Here’s a snapshot of that webinar.

“Here’s a question from one of our subscribers named Hugh, about the platform HUB24. What’s your view on this investment platform, Michael?”, said Paul Rickard.

“We don't own HUB24, but we own Praemium, which has also been taking off,”

Source: Google

“That's a pretty good chart,” remarked Paul.

“A very good chart,” Michael replied. “I think the whole thematic of platform providers still has a lot to run. We touched upon it earlier. Independent financial planners are really starting to emerge and they use these independent platforms: Netwealth, HUB24, Praemium. They're good business models. The more funds on their platform, the better the margins start to become because the fixed costs remain fixed. So I'm happy to buy HUB24, but our preference is for Praemium,” he added.

“If you look at where HUB 24 was before the crash and where it is now, it really has gone for a big ride,” Peter Switzer said.

Source: Google

“That's why I'd be cautious on it,” Michael replied.

To learn more about shares, join Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard on the first Friday of each month at their webinars. And as a Switzer Report subscriber, each Thursday you can ask stock questions to the Masters of the Stocks Universe in their Boom! Doom! Zoom! 30-minute rapid fire sessions.

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