27 July 2024
1300 794 893

Hidden Treasures: Regional galleries as picturesque as the art that fills them

JUST LIKE THE SMALL TOWNS they inhabit, regional art galleries are the type of under-the-radar institutions which absolutely must be seen in person.

Embued with the same charm, character and warmth as their local communities, these regional galleries prove sometimes the best things really are right under our noses.

Often nestled away from bustling city centres, regional galleries provide a level of quiet escapism for visitors; encouraging those attending the galleries to relax and take pleasure in what the region has to offer.

Whether you’re hitting the road for your next art-inspired road-trip, or have a few hours to burn on a rainy Sunday afternoon, these regional galleries are nothing but hidden treasures.

This excerpt has been republished from Dan Stapleton's article for Harper's BAZAAR Australia.

CLICK HERE to read the original article in full.

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